What We Offer

As a practice, Park Hall Veterinary Clinic prides itself on being able to provide a wide range of diagnostic techniques which aid us in maintaining your pet’s health.
Whether your pet is a small animal, equine or farm animal our practice can offer first class care with the help of up to date equipment, our in-house laboratory and extensive equine facilities.
Our on call vets are contactable at all times. Should your pet need emergency treatment our veterinary team are on hand for your pet to be hospitalised, allowing round the clock health care whatever that may be, what ever the time of day.
Small Animal

At Park Hall Veterinary Clinic we offer a high standard of care for your animals. All our veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses are always up to date with all areas of veterinary medicine, regularly attending CPD (Continuous Professional Development) in a variety of areas.
The practice has an operating theatre that allows us to perform a whole range of surgeries from routine neutering Monday – Friday to emergency out of hours procedures. Our equipment which includes X-ray, endoscope, ECG and ultrasound machines allows us to carry out many diagnostic procedures in-house.
The practice also houses its own laboratory; this allows us to do many tests onsite. For the more complicated tests we have excellent relationships with external labs, which often provide next day results.
Our practice kennels are well equipped and hygienically maintained allowing us to provide first class care for your pet.

Every working day we have two veterinary surgeons out on the road carrying out equine visits and at least one veterinary surgeon will be on call to attend any equine emergency. Back at the surgery we have stabling facilities for those horses that have to be hospitalised.
The practice offers an equine X-ray room with fixed and mobile X-ray machines, and stocks which allow us to perform dental work, endoscope and ultrasound scanning. Our fully equipped equine surgical theatre allows our surgeons to carry out simple surgeries including castrations and stitch-ups.
Every week the practice offers a “lameness” day; this allows one veterinary surgeon to carry out lameness workups for horses that have been previously seen on a visit. The workup includes trotting the horse up the runway, flexion tests, and the horse can also be worked on softer ground in our indoor menage. Nerve blocks are then performed to localise the site of lameness before ultrasound scanning and radiographs can reach a diagnosis.
Calum Grant is regularly onsite to provide corrective farriery when needed. We also offer regular dates when BEVA registered equine dentist Emma Caswell is at Park Hall for anything from routine teeth rasps to corrective power tool work. Please contact the surgery for more information.

Park Hall Veterinary Clinic can also offer services for a range of farm animals.
We have three vets qualified to carry out TB testing and able to offer routine farm work.
Richard also has his own farm which helps him to understand your needs.
Nurse Clinics
Weight Clinics
In our weight clinics we can advise on how to maintain, lose or gain weight in a healthy way. Using our nurse’s knowledge and their own experience weight can easily be lost via specialist diets. Excess weight can put a strain on your pet’s heart, joints and liver, but we are here to help with these problems.
Dental Checks
Our pet’s teeth are just as important as our own. Having dental issues can cause internal problems that can’t be seen, with the animals heart and blood. Our team of dedicated of nurses can help you.
Cuddle Clinics
As your pup or kitten gets older their needs change and our nurses are here to help and advise on how to cope with the changes. We can offer advice with neutering, diet and much more.
Flea and Worm clinics and Parasite Checks
Do you know what wormer or flea treatment covers mange, ticks, lung worm etc? Come for a free flea and worm check and our nurses will explain all.
Geriatric and Over 8’s Club
Come and talk to a nurse and we can can see if old age is catching up with your pet. Are they passing more urine or drinking more than normal? Are they on a senior food? Are they slower or stiff in their joints? We can help advise on how to help with any of these problems.
Pet Dental Care
A frighteningly high % of our pets are in urgent need of dental treatment.
This means that they are walking around with infection and inflammation in their mouths. Not only is there infection in the mouth – but it can spread to affect the whole body. Vets around the country know that a combined approach to dental care is required. Simply using a chew is not enough. Proper prophylaxis and cleaning followed by a combined preventive approach (ideally including brushing) is the best way forwards.
It is important to remember that most dental disease is treatable. Certainly the vast majority of the disease is preventable.
Call the surgery and book a FREE dental check with one of our nurses, who can also offer advice on effective dental care and treatments.
Prevention of dental disease is better than treatment. Veterinary Dentistry is all about making pets healthier and happier and seeing the benefits that this brings to our pets and their relationships with their owners.